Saturday, January 21, 2006

Fate, Chance, Six Degrees (or less...)

I believe there is a real metaphysical current to our existence. That there is a force out there that envelopes all of us and produces particles of energy. I like to think of it as a jet stream constantly ebbing and flowing that we can all tap into.

There might be many names for it. You can call it conicidence, irony, fate, chance, deja vu, luck, being psychic, or encountering "Six Degrees" of separation, but to me it is all in the same realm of something I'd like to coin simply as "symmetry".

This symmetry has captivated me my whole life. Sometimes scared or shocked me, other times made me chuckle or shake my head in amusement. It is this symmetry that I denied for most of my younger years, then grudgingly acknowledged in my twenties, and now at 38, I fully accept and intend to nurture thru this blog.

We have all had some measure of these type of expeirences: being in the right place at the right time or knowing someone who knows someone who knows Kevin Bacon, but for me I encounter oddites like these on an almost daily basis. Some of my items may not be quite that far-fetched or odd to you, but as a collection I offer this as proof there is an irrefutable energy to the universe.

A few days ago, I had another major coincidence (see my next post), even more outlandish than my usual ones, and so I told it to many friends. One of my neighbor's jaw dropped, then quipped I was a "connector", a term I have been labeled many times by people in sundry circles. This was the "final straw", and so I finally decided since blogging has become such a force, I would start chronicling some of these tales.

And so I begin...


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