Wednesday, February 08, 2006

$$$ and $ense

I've wanted to ask for a raise for some time. As a videographer I've been doing a swell job producing videos for the benefit of humankind at a new non-profit called The Open Planning Project. Check out some of the video and you'll get a gist what it is all about.

We'd just had a successful debut at The Urban Center. After the event, the party continued as a cadre of folks from Transportation Alternatives and the Project for Public Spaces joined us celebrating at the "W" hotel.

I had only had one drink at the event because I was shooting video, but made up fast at the after party. I went downstairs to get another beer when my boss Mark decided to accompany me. On the trip to the bar (was it the success of the event? the fact that I was a little inebriated?) I decided I would ask him right there for that raise.

I didn't get the chance. He turned to me after placing an order for a round and stated nonchalantly, "By the way Clarence, we're giving you a raise."

Whoa! A good thing, YES! But reflecting further on that moment trying to understand it more.

Did I sense the connection in the air? Were there other factors that were obvious? Or was it just the right time? As you know, I am a firm believer in symmetry in the air, that continum that constantly surrounds our lives that guides us.


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