Thursday, February 16, 2006

Cibo Matto 2X

Just a quick note on another dual freaky thing, the kinds of things that happen to me regularly.

For Valentine's Day, Elizabeth bought me a cool DVD compilation of a music video director named Michel Gondry. I'd never heard of him. He delights in making shorts that are visual gee-whiz masterpieces - some that are just one long continuous un-edited shot (or so he makes you believe!)

Anyway, late last night we watched a superb video he did for Cibo Matto's "Sugar Water". It was memserizing - a split-screen with two individual long shots that run about 4 minutes each, filled with all sorts of visual palindromes, backwards action, and ironic time juxtapositions - stuff right up my alley.

Before that I had never heard of Cibo Matto. I have no idea how popular they are with the kids, but it was my first exposure to them.

Upon waking this morning and checking email, the first was from my boss Mark with a link to a mini doc he saw on the net about music "sampling" piracy. As I am watching it, I see a woman being interviewed that looks suspiciously like "that gal in the video." I notice that when her name is flashed on-screen, yup, she is the lead singer for Cibo Matto.


Blogger Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Yeah, you are some kind of connector.

Your blog address showed up on my site tracker just now but I'm pretty sure you've never actually visited my blog.

The odd thing is, I was just writing a post about David Blaine and how much he weirds me out.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth M. said...

James, I'm down with whatever or whoever's baby you want to have. Especially if it's Zira's and if we can post it on Google Video, because that would be the third weird cat video in as many days.

11:22 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Hey, you commented on my blog (I'm assuming you found me b/c of my website for The Hooters, 'cause I don't know you). Anyways, Michel Gondry is awesome, and I love that DVD. He also directed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and as I'm skimming your blog, if you haven't seen it, you should really check it out.

5:05 AM  

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