Today is World π Day!
So I was walking around the streets of NYC this weekend, contemplating this entry.
You see, today is World π Day! π is that number from high school math that starts with 3.14159 and is usually followed by an ellipsis. In this case, an ellipsis means "it keeps going" and is represented by these next three periods...
I recently learned of this π Day thing. On March 14th at 1:59 AM you are as close to π you can get. How to celebrate? Maybe one should watch the movie π while eating some pie. Don't laugh, I'll bet geeks all over the world are having parties like this!
π is another mysterious number of the universe which mightly intrigues me. π is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. The number is invaluable in geometry, physics and engineering and yet it is an irrational number. It goes on forever - the exact end cannot be calculated. Supercomputers have failed to identify a pattern after factoring well over a trillion digits. 3.14159 works just fine for math mavens and architects, but it's really short for this:

Which brings me back to walking around NYC this weekend. My path crossed with a great guy named Michael Albert who was generously giving away prints of his artwork to hordes of passersby on the street. The prices as he put it, "One print is free, a second print is $20." Nice prints, fun pop collages.
The one print I selected above was his representation of π.
During our brief π conversation, he told met his wife on March 14th which made the date more special. A flash then went off in my head and I thought, "No it can't be!" When I got home I checked: last year on March 14th at 1:59 AM EST I was getting off a plane in Portland on the trip I would meet my current squeeze Elizabeth on. And no lie - that was the EXACT landing time.
You see, today is World π Day! π is that number from high school math that starts with 3.14159 and is usually followed by an ellipsis. In this case, an ellipsis means "it keeps going" and is represented by these next three periods...
I recently learned of this π Day thing. On March 14th at 1:59 AM you are as close to π you can get. How to celebrate? Maybe one should watch the movie π while eating some pie. Don't laugh, I'll bet geeks all over the world are having parties like this!
π is another mysterious number of the universe which mightly intrigues me. π is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. The number is invaluable in geometry, physics and engineering and yet it is an irrational number. It goes on forever - the exact end cannot be calculated. Supercomputers have failed to identify a pattern after factoring well over a trillion digits. 3.14159 works just fine for math mavens and architects, but it's really short for this:

Which brings me back to walking around NYC this weekend. My path crossed with a great guy named Michael Albert who was generously giving away prints of his artwork to hordes of passersby on the street. The prices as he put it, "One print is free, a second print is $20." Nice prints, fun pop collages.
The one print I selected above was his representation of π.
During our brief π conversation, he told met his wife on March 14th which made the date more special. A flash then went off in my head and I thought, "No it can't be!" When I got home I checked: last year on March 14th at 1:59 AM EST I was getting off a plane in Portland on the trip I would meet my current squeeze Elizabeth on. And no lie - that was the EXACT landing time.
No WAY!! For real? That's too crazy!
Who are you, Clarence? What kind of creature are you, and who sent you??
(Another thing I want to know is how you got that cool pi character in your post.)
my boss was telling me about 1:23 4th May 2006 (123456)just this morning. Now you.
Monica and I annually celebrate November 11, 11:11am and pm.
Holy smokes, I don't know what we're gonna do in 2011.
And to top it all off, the "Omen" remake comes out this year on, you guessed it - June 6th, 2006 or as it is scrawled somewhere on the young kid's scalp 6-6-6.
Nice marketing, and nice luck.
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