Did I Break the projector?

So I have had this just-about-to-expire Loews movie pass in my wallet for the past month. I have been trying to use it (after all it is worth $10-plus in Manhattan) but a busy schedule, proximity, and movies-I-want-to-see just haven't been in sync. Today was the final valid day, and I decided to squeeze "Brokeback Mountain" in, even though I didn't really have time to spend nearly 3 hours at the movies. In fact, I was feeling very distressed and crunched for time when I ambled up to the ticket lady at Lowes 34th Street and asked...
"This pass expires today, is there any way to extend it?"
"Sorry, use it or lose it," she said, with a touch of snooty flair.
"Then one for 'Brokeback', 12:50," I replied.
I sit down while the final previews play out. I check the time. Then again. Ugh, am I really gonna have the time to watch this, get back to Brooklyn, workout, lug some video supplies home, buy groceries, and then get home with enough time to get in about six hours of needed work - all on less than five hours of sleep? The answer is no. I really want to see this movie, but not today, I am only here because I am saving $10. But is this worth the mental toil? I wish I could re-plan the day.
"Brokeback Mountain" starts. Opening credits roll. It's 1963. Heath Ledger steps out of a truck. Jake Gyllenhaal pulls up in a jalopy. The two exchange glances. Then BAM! (Read on kids, it's not what you think.) BAM! The film has stopped! Projector bulb goes out! We are sitting in the dark for a few minutes. Then an usher walks in to tell us both the projector and film have had a massive failure. Three minutes in, the movie has stopped!
The usher hands us each a pass good for another four months, everyone is pretty pissed. But I couldn't be happier.